


The historical roots of the 黑人天主教研究所 at Xavier University of Louisiana are intertwined with those of the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus (NBCCC), which was founded in 1968 and the Black Catholic Theological Symposium (BCTS) that convened for the first time October 12-15, 1978. The Symposium was organized under the auspices of the NBCCC and directed by the creative leadership of the Reverend Thaddeus Posey, 胶卷暗盒帽. 在策划这次聚会时, 父亲波西 worked in association with the Reverends Augustus Taylor and David Benz and consulted with the Reverend Dr. 约瑟夫·尼尔恩,瑞士和杰米·菲尔普斯修女,OP. Their efforts brought together Black Catholic priests and vowed religious women and men who were trained as pastoral and intellectual leaders and critical thinkers in the various theological and ecclesial disciplines. This first assembly of the Symposium was held at the Baltimore Motherhouse of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first Catholic religious congregation of vowed Black women. Participants presented formal papers and responses that addressed some of the topics crucial to the development of a distinctively Black Catholic theological and pastoral response to the Black condition. These topics included values, self-concept, liturgy, catechesis, and spirituality. The papers from this meeting were edited under the direction of 父亲波西 and published as Theology: A Portrait in Black.



In the effort to sustain and support the pastoral theological reflection and work of Black Catholic 牧师 and educators, 父亲波西, 在其他研讨会参加者的鼓励下, presented a second proposal to the 1979 spring meeting of the Board of Directors of the NBCCC. This proposal called for the establishment of an educational institute with a curriculum organized around the pastoral and intellectual needs of Black Catholics and under their leadership and direction. Still, such an educational institute was not an altogether new idea. In 1969, 在NBCCC成立后不久, 奥古斯都·泰勒神父, 以真正的远见, suggested the creation of a structured academic program through which to share Black Catholic viewpoints among ourselves and with the hierarchy, 牧师, and religious women and men ministering in African American communities. 给n its embryonic state, the NBCCC was unable to actualize this idea at the time. 然而, by 1979, with more than a decade of organizational and programmatic experience, the National Black Clergy Caucus was ready to entertain and oversee the implementation of such a plan. 此外, 在NBCCC董事会的思考, Xavier University of Louisiana the only Black Catholic university not only in the United States, but also in the Western hemisphere – was the most likely academic site to accredit and to host the program. 在NBCCC的批准下,波西神父会见了. 诺曼·弗朗西斯, 新奥尔良赌博十大平台排行大学的校长, to explore hosting at Xavier an educational institute focused on the pastoral and theological needs of Black Catholics. Further, the NBCCC Board instructed 父亲波西 to form a consultant group for the project. 这个团体的成员包括大卫·本茨牧师, 爱德华分支, 杰米·菲尔普斯修女, OP, and (the former Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sister, Toinette米. 尤金).

Very quickly, plans got underway for a 'pilot program' for 1980. In order to give the proposal a broad base of support within the University and within the local Church, 在1979-1980学年期间. Francis and 父亲波西 scheduled a meeting with key administrators and faculty at Xavier University and with the Catholic bishops of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. 在这次会议上, 应波西神父的要求, 妹妹菲尔普斯, who at the time was a doctoral candidate in systematic theology at the Catholic University of America, gave a presentation on the significance of such an educational program for the Church in its ministry to Black Catholics.



The ‘pilot’ run of what is now known as the 黑人天主教研究所 (IBCS) began in the summer of 1980. 首任教员和他们的课程是. Cyprian Davis, OSB, who taught "Church 历史," the Reverend Dr. 约瑟夫Nearon, 瑞士, 是谁教的《赌博十大平台排行》," and (the former Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sister) Toinette米. 教授《赌博十大平台排行》的尤金." Mr. Steve Wesley had been scheduled to teach "Catholic Education in the Black Community,但是这门课被取消了. 波西神父担任这个项目的主任. 16名学生报名参加第一届暑期班. 课程在圣. 约瑟夫宿舍和校园事工办公室, which at the time was directed by the Reverend (now Bishop) Moses Anderson, 上交所.
1982年2月, the Board of Trustees of Xavier University approved the curriculum design of the Master's Program in Pastoral Theology. This action empowered the 黑人天主教研究所 to initiate the Degree Program that would be accredited and awarded through the University's 研究生 School. 教师队伍扩大了,其中包括. 西娅·鲍曼修女, FSPA, who offered courses in African American Literature and Preaching; the Reverend Bede Abram, 胶卷暗盒Conv., STL, who replaced Toinette Eugene as instructor of "Black Approaches to Theology," and Dr. Delores Harrall, SND de Namur, who taught "Catholic Education in the Black Community."
第一次毕业的候选人为Th.M. 节目于1984年7月举行. 毕业生是伊娃·玛丽·卢马斯修女, 瑞士, 艾迪·洛林·沃克修女, SSND, 还有詹姆斯·沃尔克牧师.